Organic Teahouse Ceremonial Matcha

$44.90 AUD

Vibrant jade-green, creamy, bold umami with undelying notes of asparagus & green pea.


Take a moment—a time for rest and renewal. Your sacred place for reflection starts with a daily matcha ritual. Our Teahouse edition is the highest Ceremonial Grade Matcha, plus it's also 100% Certified Organic!* Hand-picked by dedicated family-owned tea farmers in Kagoshima’s volcanic and mineral-rich region, this Single Estate blend produces a floral aroma with a vivid green colour and velvety rich texture. 

Our Ceremonial Grade and 100% Certified Organic Matcha dual grade is a rare find outside of Japan, as many other Matcha brands are either organic or ceremonial grade. It was a long, hard search for 3 years all over Japan to find this rare premium-grade Matcha. Stay focused, calm and energised with our premium Matcha~

  Harvest     First Spring
  Culitvar     Okumidori & Saemidori
  Origin       Kagoshima
  Notes       Umami      ★★★★
                   Bitterness  ★★
                   Sweetness ★★★
 Best for     Enjoy both as ushucha or koicha, matcha latte


*Ceremonial Grade: The highest and premium grade of Matcha. 

*100% Certified Organic by JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard) and USDA Organic (United States Department of Agriculture).

100% Certified Organic* Stone ground Green Tea Powder

*JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards of Organic Products)

*USDA Organic (United States Department of Agriculture)

The finest artisanal grades of matcha should be enjoyed purely on their own with hot water in order to appreciate their refined flavour. Experiment with different amounts of water to increase or decrease the concentration of the flavour to suit your preference.

1. Sift 2 scoops (2g / ¾ tsp) of matcha using a sifter into a chawan (matcha bowl).

2. Add 50ml (1.75fl oz) of warm water. The temperature of the water should be around 70-80°C / 160-175°F. * NOT boiling water 100°C - it will burn the tea and make the matcha bitter!

3. Use a chasen (bamboo whisk) to whisk the water and the matcha together for around 10 seconds until you have a fine crema on top. Use a firm a "W" or "M" motion without touchign the bottom of the bowl.

4. Add another 100ml (3.5fl oz) of warm water and whisk again.

Enjoy your beautifully prepared Matcha~

refill is the new recycling!

Our Eco-Friendly Refillable Tea Collection.

We love beautiful packaging but hated the thought of throwing it out every time we finished with it. That is why we created our powdered tea collection in reusable and refillable eco-friendly Biophotonic Glass jars, also known as Miron or Violet glass. These gorgeous glass jars can block visible sunlight and protect the precious Matcha’s potency, aromas, colour, and texture.

Once you finish your initial jar, order the 30g Refillable Bag and top up!

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